
Spindrift Event Design

Orchestrated getaway in Tenerife for 100+, workshops, drone crew, Land Rovers, dinners and dance parties

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While working with Spindrift NL/UK we were tasked with designing and managing several corporate events, most memorably a company getaway in Tenerife, Spain.


The weekend kicked off at the legendary Auditorio de Tenerife designed by Santiago Calatrava - cocktails, dinner and dance party ... team building ;). This set the tone for a highly collaborative and motivational series of presentations and workshops. The first days' conference room activities were topped with a drone workshop given together with a local movie crew specialising in drone cinematography.

Once everyone's brains and stomachs were well fed, we arranged for a surprise convoy of Land Rovers to take 100+ people on an epic journey up above the clouds for an intimate view of the volcano, Mount Teide. The drone crew was standing by to capture some amazing footage.

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