
Danger Hockey Ecom

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When DHD was ready to steam-line their sign-up and sales process with online shopping, we integrated Shopify for the most advanced eCommerce capabilities, with Webflow for the best website design. This has resulted in a huge increase in sales and efficiency.

  • Seamless integration of Shopify ecommerce system into existing Webflow site
  • Product pages are designed and managed in Webflow
  • Orders are managed through Shopify
  • Shopify-Mailchimp audience syncing & automation

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Shopify + Webflow = The Best of Both Worlds

Shopify offers advanced eCommerce solutions with robust analytics, comprehensive order management, extensive customization options, and seamless tracking features, making it the leading platform for online businesses. However, when it comes to custom design of an awesome and unique website, Shopify is limited and works best with its standard templated designs.

Integrating Shopify eCommerce with a Webflow-designed site made it possible for businesses to leverage the best of both platforms: Shopify's powerful eCommerce capabilities combined with Webflow's unparalleled design flexibility. This integration allows for a unique, visually stunning website that provides a seamless shopping experience for customers, and advanced workflow features for the business.

Mailchimp Integration, Syncing & Automation

We also integrated Mailchimp, enabling us to track and measure the success of email campaigns in terms of purchases via Shopify, and rapidly expand the number of subscribers.

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